And now back to our regularly scheduled program...
So, the weekend is coming to a close. DH is on call in the hospital today so I have a few spare moments to update my blog.
I've had a pretty productive weekend! In terms of knitting and crochet, a friend of mine came over on Friday and we got to knit together - and yesterday I also got in some quality knitting time so I've made some good progress. On the Matilda Jane front, I finished all of the Raglan increases and am currently working on the body. Here's the progress so far:

I've marked where the sleeves will eventually go so that you have a better sense of what you're looking at - otherwise, I feel that it's a little non-descript. Also, know that the light lavender is the neckline. This is definitely the hardest project I've worked on so far. Specifically, this was the first time that I ever worked short rows and also paired lifted increases. Those raglan increases really gave me a hard time...well, I just wasn't sure that they actually looked right...that is, until many rows in where I could see the point of having those raglan increases look the way that they do - and now I really like them. So, a few more skills under my belt! I've got a few more rows of mindless stockinette to go and then onto the bust shaping.
I've also made some more progress with the granny square afghan. I have now sewn up all the squares that I've crocheted. A total of 42 sewn up! Hooray!

So, hopefully this picture gives you a sense of how large the afghan is. That's a queen size bed that it's sitting on. So, I still can't decide whether I should stop at 49 squares or go all the way to 56. I really think it's going to come down to how much yarn I have. I know I have enough for 49..but 56? Not so sure!
I haven't provided an update on my professorly duties in a while also. So, I sent over the second paper that I was working on this summer to my graduate advisor (because she's also on the paper). I haven't heard from her yet - but I'm glad that it's off my desk for now...and so I started paper number 3. My goal is to have this finished before school starts on the 22nd. Lofty goal - but I think I can do it. The lab class has also been coming along. The lab part itself is completely done - I'm meeting with the lab TAs this week to go through the experiments with them...and I've also been working on the lectures (this course is a BIG job). So, I don't think I'll have all the lectures written before school starts, but I'm hoping to have a very good head start!
Anyway, I'm going to head back to my knitting - I haven't gotten in any today since I've been busy with work and errands! Have a great start to the week!
the afghan looks great!
Go for it girlfriend . . . it's just another 8 squares (hehehe)!!!!!!
Did you finish it up? I love the purples and it looks so beautiful!
Sorry I got so far behind on the blog reading that this is flying in almost a month late.
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