Lookie! Lookie!
Look what came in the mail yesterday!!

I can't believe the week is over. It was a productive one. I managed to make more progress on my course (almost done with all of the labs) and I've been making progress on this other paper I've been working on forever.
In terms of my knitting progress, that's also been going well. I finished one of the sleeves for the lace tee - I can definitely see that light at the end of the tunnel!! Plus, 35 squares are now done on the afghan! I actually started sewing together some of the squares too for two reasons:
1. I'm really not looking forward to sewing together 56 squares all at once - I'm thinking that will lead to major procrastination
2. I'm a little nervous I might run out of yarn. This way, if I start sewing them together and it looks like I'm going to run out, I can stop at a number of squares that make sense.
Yesterday, I had a great day. I saw the friend who had her bridal shower last week. I'm so happy that we're back in touch again. It was really too long. We got to talk and talk and talk and just catch up on everything. Sooo much fun. Plus, she knits...well, she used to knit. She hadn't knit in about 2 years. So, I had to remind her how to cast on, knit and purl. It's such a strange thing because there are actually a lot of knitters out there - I've met a number of dormant knitters (my friend clearly being one of them) - but most knitters that I've met (aside from the ones that go the stitch n bitch type events) have generally been stuck on scarves. Are the majority of knitters like this? You know, lapsed knitters who stick with pretty "safe" projects? I'm starting to think so. I think that as knitting bloggers we kind of live in a different world than the "average" knitter.
Now a call for pattern suggestions - my husband recently got his first real office as a doctor. In his office, he has an average size bookcase that's probably about 4 or so feet tall. Anyway, the other day, he took a look at the top of the bookcase and said, "Hmmm...I think I'd really like to get something to put on top of this - like a runner or something". Now, you know the minute I heard him say that I jumped in, "I can make you one! It could be really great. I could knit you something - or maybe crochet would work better, etc. etc." He looked at me a little skeptically but later agreed that I could if we picked out a pattern together. So, any ideas? He sees patients in this office so it should be something that looks somewhat conservative - and since he's a man, nothing too frilly. Suggestions?
It's amazing what Hallmark carries . . . just a little note to let you know your next package is going out in the mail on Wednesday, July 5th . . .
That raccoon is adorable... too bad he is vicious little monster. Remember ELF "does someone need a hug?"
the card is perfect.
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