Happy Happy Happy
Well, the week is finally over - and it was another busy one - one filled with many many meetings. I promise I won't bore you with the details...but on the one hand, I now know what classes I'll be teaching for next semester so I'm quite happy about that.
In knitting news, I've still been working on the baby blanket...not quite done with that though. I did happen to finish the hubby socks. I had some extra motivation to do so - it's DH's birthday tomorrow! So, I really wanted them to be finished in time. I am very happy with them, and I hope he will be too! I'll be sure to get a glamour shot from him after I give them to him.
Yes, his birthday is tomorrow! I've got lots planned..but unfortunately, I can't share any of it with you for now. You see, my husband and I are into surprising each other. He always plans these huge surprise bonzanas for my birthday...and although it isn't quite on that level, we've got to keep those plans quiet for a little while longer. I know he reads my blog so I can't give him any hints!! But, I'll be sure to fill you in in a few days.
Lastly, I joined another swap. I just couldn't help myself. I had such amazing experiences this summer with SP8 and my one skein pals that I had to sign up. Anyway, it's the Knitter's Coffee Swap!

I'm pretty sure that there are still slots open so if you're interested sign up! It's a short-term swap with only one package which I felt I could handle..as much as I'd love to do a more extensive one like SP9 - I just don't have the time. So, this seemed like a much better option.
Well, that's it for now! Enjoy the weekend!
I know the feeling about being busy, I'm trying to apply for PhD on top of it all. Thanks for the info about the swap, hope I get in!
Can't wait to hear how you surprised your hubby for his b-day . . . I am glad that you decided to join even a short swap . . . I also put my name in for the coffee swap (this is one swap that my hubby hopes I get in) . . . will let you know if I made it in time!
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