Look what came in the mail!
Yesterday, I had such a pleasant surprise in the mail. Yet ANOTHER package arrived from my sp8 pal. As with the previous packages, my pal really went above and beyond the call of duty. So, I was greeted by this HUGE package and look what was inside:

So, I went ahead and unwrapped everything - and behold!

I should first mention that my pal put together a package with a "keep cool" theme. So creative!! As you know, I was complaining quite a bit these last few weeks about the hot weather over here so this package is certainly very appropriate.
Anyway, so starting at the bottom left and moving clockwise, another amazing handmade card!! My pal really does have this incredible talent for card making - each one that she's sent me (and there have been many) has been a work of art!!
Then, above this a little battery operated fan. Certainly useful in the hot weather! I think I forgot to mention it on my blog, but the other week we went to go see a minor league ball game (so fun - DH and I just love baseball) - and this woman next to me in the stands had one of these little fans - and I was quite envious at the time because it was quite hot and humid at the game. Anywya, so next time we go to a ball game, I'll be sure to bring it!
Then, to the right of the fan, huge sunglasses with hearts!! So fun and glamourous!!
Then, to the right of that, in a plastic drink container (with fun tropical drink umbrella straws) - containing 3 skeins of Rowan kid silk haze - 2 in bright pink and 1 white!!! I just love both colors!!! If you remember, I had made my To Dye For sweater in kid silk haze - I loved the feel of it then - and I love it now. So luxurious!! Can you believe the creativity of putting it in a drink container as if it was some cool drink???!!! Love it!
Next, a package of raspberry lemonade mix. This looks delicious!! The perfect hot weather drink. I can't wait to try it. Yum!
Next, underneath that a pattern for a lace scarf - to be knit with one skein of kid silk haze. It looks beautiful and certainly a perfect pattern for the warmer weather.
Last, a great new knitting book - "The Cool Girl's Guide to Knitting". Notice again the keep cool theme! This book looks great - as you know, I love all knitting books, and this one has some great fun and funky patterns that I can't wait to try.
And before I forget, both cats had a lot of fun with the box it all came in!!

So, thank you secret pal!! I can't believe how you managed to put all of this together. So thoughtful and creative! As I mentioned before, you've really gone above and beyond what was required of a secret pal. I am truly the luckiest spoilee!! I really love everything - so thank you so much again!!
Anyway, it's getting a little late - and I still need to eat some dinner - but just a quick knitting update...the body of Matilda Jane is done!!! I've been working on the buttonholes but have been delayed again because I'm a little stuck..however, I've been in touch with Ysolda and she's been very helpful so far so hopefully my issues will get resolved soon. In the meantime, I'm going to get some work done on those squares.
One last thought - only 9 days until school starts! Yikes!! I'm so not ready for summer to be over!!
Hey you . . . happy to see everything arrived in one piece and that you like it all (as well as the cats). . . sorry to hear you have to go back to work right before your b-day . . . that's a real bummer!!!!!
wow, lookie at all your loot! too bad the cats were only interested in the box. this month is going by so quickly... i've got to speed up my needles for your one skein gifty!
ever your one skein pal
Your little gift boxes look lovely, lovely. I would have been afraid to open them for fear of ruining them. Looks like you have an amazingly creative Secret Pal.
Wow, she sent you a kitty friend, too? oops! that one is already yours.
What a nice secret pal!
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