School is right around the corner! Aaaah!
It's been a few days since I've posted - I meant to post sooner - but I'm actually feeling a little under the weather. I've just been feeling achey and tired and just generally out of it. I'm currently on tylenol and feeling a touch better which is why I decided to set some time aside to blog. I think I'm just basically stressed about everything that needs to happen before school starts - next week on Aug. 22nd!! Yikes! I've had a lot of aggravation trying to get these computers set up for the experimental course - not fun at all! But, I'm hoping that everything will get sorted out in time.
In knitting news, I've made major progress on Matilda Jane. Everything is done except for the sleeves!!! Hooray!! Here's what it looks like right now:

Just realize that the hems need to be sewn down - and at that point you'll see the pico hem. Also, the button bands need to be sewn down as well - but this really gives you a nice sense of what it looks like. I really like it a lot except that I'm a little concerned that some of the lower buttons won't close or that they will close but will be a little too tight. I'm hoping that everything will be okay and that maybe a little blocking will take care of it. But, I'm also thinking that maybe that won't be a huge deal since I never actually close my cardigans - so we'll see. Regardless, I love the sweater - the yarn is so soft and the cardigan is really well constructed.
I'm sorry to say that there's been no progress on the afghan - I just haven't been that motivated to work on it...but I bought that new Crochet Today magazine..and boy is it good!! Here are some of the highlights:

Don't you love this jacket??!! I can't wait to make it. This is definitely going on my list of things that I need to make.
Next, this little capelet.

Now, I'm not a huge fan of ponchos and capelets in general - but I really do like this one - it really says "fall" to me.
Last, look what they've done with the edges of these napkins.

These look like they'd make a great gift. I'm actually thinking of making a set of these for a friend of mine that's getting married labor day weekend. They seem easy and quick enough.
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this new magazine. I'm really looking forward to seeing other issues and making things from this one. But - I really need to get to that afghan!!!
Before I close I just want to mention something to my bloglines subscribers. There seems to be something very strange going on with bloglines and my blog. Just thought I'd let you know that I'm aware of the problem and the tech people are in the midst of investigating. Until then, you'll just have to keep checking for updated content.
I cant wait to see Matilda Jane done. I've always loved that pattern!
Matilda Jane looks fantastic....and I'm also freaking about school starting, argh!!
MACHINES! Can't live with them - can't live without them. DON'T STRESS! Everything will be find when school starts next week!!!!!! Your Matilda Jane is turning out to be very cute. I may have to try making one for myself next!!!!!
ooo I like the colours for your mat jane!
School starting is probably why you are getting this thing at the top of the page. Gah! I'm sorry that you aren't feeling at all well but the stress of school is enough to send spasms through anyone's body. Brrr!
Your knitting is flying along nicely. Very pretty colors on your version of the Matilda Jane.
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