Still sick...but I think I'm finally on the mend
So, if you can believe it, after 2 weeks, I'm still sick with this nasty virus. In fact, over the weekend, it started getting WORSE. My fever started going up, I had a harder time breathing, and my cough was worse. So, I finally had enough yesterday and went to the doctor. It was a good decision because the doctor figured out that my oxygen levels in my body were very low (around 88-89% when it should be around 99%). So, she ended up doing a nebulizer treatment in the office and prescribing some asthma medication to open up my lungs. Can you believe that I basically had an asthma flare up after all this time? I haven't had problems with asthma since i was about 9 years old - so this virus thing has been a real doozy. Plus, I'm on an antibiotic. I do admit though that since yesterday I'm feeling MUCH better. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes - it is greatly appreciated.
It's been very hard the last few days because I've still been managing to go to work with everything - but coming home early right after classes. Luckily, it won't be long before I'm totally better - and then I can be back to being my enthusiastic hard working self...for now, I'm just focusing on getting well.
Well, in the midst of all of this, I got a wonderful surprise from my One Skein Pal. My final package! My One Skein Pal's name is Bekka and you can find her blog at: She's an academic librarian from Tennessee and just seems so cool - well, I already know that she's super cool because she's been such an awesome one skein pal - but now it's nice getting to learn a little about her after all of this time. Anyway, check how she brightened my lousy day yesterday with this great package. First, I opened the box:

Look how lovely the little packages inside are. I just love the tissue paper and ribbons. So coordinated! In the note at the bottom, my one skein pal revealed all about herself which was a great read for me because I was so curious after all of this time!
Then, look what was inside:

At the top, another set of great notecards! I can't wait to use them - they look beautful! Then, the very special one skein gift! SOCKS!! My very first pair of handmade socks! Aren't they gorgeous? Look - and they fit too - here's what they look like on my feet:

Anyway, I should run - sadly, no knitting news to report because I've just been trying to get better. I can't wait to get back though.
Also, quickly for those of you who use Bloglines - I believe that the problem has been solved. However, all of my subscribers were deleted - so you'll need to resubscribe to the blog to get your Professor Knitwit fix! Thanks!
i'm glad you are feeling better! :) and your one skein pal is awesome!! :)
It's a very good thing that you went to the doctor! Asthma can come back at anytime. It just takes a trigger, like the virus, to compromise your system. Hope you are all better soon.
What a nice little sock knitting bag and yarn. Very pretty.
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